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"Where is the headquarters of the Seven Star Gang?" Zilong smirked all over his face, as if he was not in a hurry for the fact that the Baiyemen boy in front of him didn't recognize him as the new boss.

"Seven Stars Gang? Didn't he want to take us to destroy the Seven Stars Gang? Right now, the Seven Stars Gang only has more than 100 people left at most. Anyone can lead someone to destroy it. This is not considered strength." Some younger brothers whispered, although Displeased, but still told the location of the headquarters of the Seven Star Gang.

"Seven Star Port." Several youths sitting on motorcycles were seven or eight meters away from Ion Dragon, and one of them said casually.

"How long would it take if we walked there?" Zilong continued to ask. [

"Twenty minutes."

"Okay." Zilong yelled, and flashed in front of these motorcycles at an extremely fast speed. It didn't take five seconds from getting on the motorcycle to starting it.

The motorcycle drove towards Qixinggang like the wind, leaving only Zilong's evil voice, "After you come to Qixinggang, you can decide whether to join Longmen or not, and you will admit that I am the boss of Longmen."

"Damn it, what the hell is he doing? You guys ride over there first to have a look, and we'll follow right away." Some boys said doubtfully to the boys on motorcycles.

"Okay." The younger brothers quickly started their motorcycles and followed Zilong.

"Hehe, Xiaofan, call Bureau Huang to deal with it, and tell him to go to Qixing Port after finishing here." Fu Donglai smiled, with a relaxed look on his face.

"Hehe, okay, tonight is destined to let him show off enough." Ye Fan smiled and took out his mobile phone.

It is only a few streets away from Taiping Street to Qixing Port, but it does take more than 20 minutes if you walk, but it is different by bicycle. At Zilong's speed, you can get there in 3 minutes at most.

Just like his name, Qixing Port is a harbor for boats. In front of the harbor is a dam, which was used to dry fish many years ago. However, due to the development of Beixuan, there are fewer and fewer people fishing. The dam became deserted, but over time it became the best place for underworld fights.And some good little brothers even gave it a very cool name: "Seven Star Arena."

"Boss, I think that group of idiots from the Seven-Star Alliance have already fought as well as the Baiyemen. It's time for us to fight." At this time, in the center of the Seven-Star Arena, there were more than 100 Seven-Star Gang boys holding steel knives, and Standing at the front were seven young men with long hair who were shirtless and thought they were cool.There were seven or eight dilapidated vans scattered around.

"Third brother, you are always so impatient. Wait another 10 minutes. They can't be so fast. The bosses of those gangs are really fucking idiots. We said that there are only more than 200 people in the shutter door. They really believe it." Yes, hahaha. You can imagine it with your butt, at least five or six hundred." The long-haired young man standing in the front held the black heavy chop in his hand and laughed.

"Hahaha." Some younger brothers below also laughed. "Brother, both Baiyemen and the Seven-Star Alliance must be hurt tonight. We'll go to repair the knife later. This Yunling District belongs to our Seven-Star Gang, hahaha." A fat man said lewdly.

"Hey, that idiot Ye Fan still calls himself Crouching Dragon, it's just a fucking two hundred and five, he's quite the boss of Yunling District, it depends on that." One of the seven people standing in front pointed to his head and laughed.

Not far from the Seven Star Arena, a young man with an evil face was holding a cold knife that seemed to be crying, riding a motorcycle and charging towards this side at high speed.The moment he entered the Seven Star Arena, the young man quickly jumped off the motorcycle, and the remaining unmanned motorcycles rushed towards the more than 100 Seven Star Gang boys in the center of the arena like wild horses that had run loose.

The motorcycle overturned to the ground five or six meters away from the group of boys, and rushed towards it with sparks all the way.

"Damn it. What's the situation?" The more than 100 members of the Seven Star Gang were thrown into chaos and scattered in all directions.It is natural to give way to the motorcycle.

The motorcycle went straight through the crowd and didn't stop until it hit a van behind it.The huge collision directly knocked the van into the air.With a bang, the motorcycle and the van exploded together, and several members of the Seven Star Gang who had no time to dodge were instantly blown to pieces.

"Damn it, who are you?" The long-haired young man standing at the front said angrily as he looked at the burning van behind him with lingering fear.

"Seven Star Gang? Big Dipper?" Zilong ignored the long-haired young man's question, and slowly moved towards this side with the cold knife in his hand that seemed to be crying. [

"Damn it, I asked who you are," the long-haired young man yelled angrily again when he saw that the person in front of him ignored him.

"Who are the Big Dippers? Please stand up." Zilong suddenly had a devilish smile on his face, and said to the more than 100 Seven Stars in front of him.

"My day, we are." Seven young men with long hair and shirtless stood in a row in an instant, holding machetes in their hands and looking at Zilong angrily.

At this time, the younger brother of Baiyemen who was riding a motorcycle behind him also chased up, looking at the raging fire burning in the Seven Star Arena, their eyes were full of doubts. "Damn, what does this so-called Longmen boss want to do? He doesn't want to kill more than 100 members of the Seven Stars Gang alone, is he crazy?" one of the Baiyemen boys said in surprise.

"Who the hell knows, let's see and talk. Anyway, he will die if he dies. We have a car, and the Seven Star Gang can't catch up. When the big troops come, they will slowly clean up the group of idiots." Another shutter door The younger brother leisurely took out his cigarettes, and each of them smoked one.

"Oh, so it's a few babies who haven't grown all hair yet." Looking at the seven shirtless, long-haired youths standing in a row in front of him, a trace of disappointment appeared on Zilong's face.

"Damn, what are you talking about, do you know that you will die miserably tonight." One of the long-haired youths said to Zilong angrily.

Holding the knife, Zilong looked at the long-haired young man with a very evil look. When his eyes met, the long-haired young man seemed to see a ghost, and the steel knife in his hand fell to the ground uncontrollably.

"Damn it, third child, what are you doing?" Seeing the brother next to him suddenly throw the knife on the ground, a young man next to him scolded him suspiciously.

"Good, so evil." The young man called Lao San said tremblingly.

"Damn it, you have been bewitched. Brothers, hack him to death first, avenge the brothers just now, and then go take over Yunling District." One of the long-haired youths yelled, holding a knife and rushing forward first. go up.

"Roar..." The younger brothers of the Seven Star Gang below also roared angrily, and they all rushed towards Zilong with machetes in hand.

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