Underworld student 5 three points in the world

Chapter 51: The eclipse of the rice

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"Hey, you, you, Ye Fan, why did you let them go? They were sent by the Eagle Gang to kill us. Quick, wait until I catch up with them and kill them."

Seeing Jin Buque pointing at Fu Donglai's people and calling Ye Fan's name, Fu Donglai and the others had no choice but to shake their heads helplessly.

"Hey, Lao Jin, Lao Jin, wait..." Seeing that Jin Buque was chasing after the migrant workers, Fu Donglai hastily stopped him.

"Zilong, what the hell are you doing? Tell me to kill them." [

"Hey, Lao Jin, Lao Jin, that's not from the Eagle Gang, it's just a few wild dogs running past..." Fu Donglai smiled obscenely.Said to Jin Buque.

"Not human..." Jin Buque shook his head vigorously.



"Absolutely true..."

"Oh, that's my fault..." Jin Buque shook his head.

"Hey, Lao Jin." Zilong walked over with a smile.

"What's the matter... Alai..." Jin Buque said to Zilong in a daze.

"Do you want to get back the money you spent today?" Zilong smirked, ignoring Jin Buque's identification of himself as Fu Donglai.

"Why... Didn't you promise me that each of us will pay half?" Jin Buque said.

"Hey, did you see that bald man over there? He's very rich..." Zilong smiled and pointed at the bald man with a frightened face in front of him, and said viciously to Jin Buque.

"Oh...smart." Jin Buque suddenly realized, and walked towards the bald man unsteadily.

Zilong and the others made it to a small stone slab next to them, smiling and admiring Jin Buque's upcoming masterpiece.

"Brother, big brother, let me go, the car money, I don't want the car money." Seeing Jin Bu Que approaching him viciously, the bald man was full of fear, hesitating.

"Damn, car money, what, what kind of car money, I don't have it, I didn't make your car." Jin Buque lifted the bald man who was nearly two hundred catties up, and said in a daze.

"Big brother, let me go..."

"Damn it, say, are you from the Eagle Gang?"

"Fuck, here we go again..." Hearing Jin Buque's question, Zilong and the others shook their heads again.

"You, did you do something bad, so scared, damn it, tell me quickly. Did you cut off my brother's hand, also, and the knife, did you kill Daojie..." Jin There is no lack of continuing to speak incoherently. [

"Oh, big brother, big brother, I'm just in arrears with the migrant workers for two years' wages, so it's related to murder and arson." Hearing what Jin Buque said, the bald man panicked, and a sparkle flashed in his eyes. tears.

"I really guessed it right, how much do you think Lao Jin will blackmail him?" Fu Donglai said with a smile to Zilong and Ye Fan beside him.

"50." Zilong said.

"At least 200 million..." Ye Fan replied.

"Oh, you didn't kill Dao Jie." Jin Buque shook his head in doubt.

"Brother, brother, how could I kill someone..."

"It's really not you..."

"No... really not"

"Oh..." Jin Buque put down the bald man, and when Jin Buque put him down, the bald man heaved a sigh of relief.But before the breath was finished, Jin Buque picked it up again. "Damn, I finally remembered who you are."

"Hehe, it seems that he is not completely drunk yet, and he can still remember who this bald man is." Zilong smiled and lit a cigarette.But what Jin Buque said next almost made Zilong choke to death on the cigarette.

"Damn it, you are Osama bin Laden, you are the one who bombed the Pentagon. Tell me, did you..." Jin Buque looked calm.

"I'm wronged..." There was a sudden heavy snow in June, and a gust of cold wind blew by, Jin Buque shuddered fiercely.

Facing this drunk and lovely man, the bald man was on the verge of collapse.

Finally, after a long time, Jin Buque finally recognized the bald man in front of him: "You came to ask me to lose money, and I asked someone to overturn your Volkswagen?"

"No, dare not, big brother, I'm ignorant, I should, I should be pushed... let me go," the bald man said hastily.

"Hey, indeed, you're really fucking ignorant..." Jin Buque had a smirk on his face. "I overturned your car, I owe you an apology, and now I say sorry to you."

"No, no, it's my fault..." the bald man said hastily.

"Hey, things haven't played yet? Why are you panicking." Jin Buque said with a smile: "But you just delayed my time to go to the sun, and you have to lose money."

"Hey, we're finally getting to the point." At this moment, the cigarette in Zilong's hand had already burned a lot.

"Brother, brother, it is night now, there is no sun..."

"Damn it, why not? Look at that..." Jin Buque pointed to the moon in the sky with anger on his face and said, "Damn it, 500 million..."

"What, 500 million... It's really fucking stupid..." Hearing Jin Buque report this amazing figure, Zilong and the others gasped. [

"What, 500 million...Brother, I don't have that much money..." the bald man said with fear on his face.

"Damn, what, no? You don't run a coal mine, do you think I'm an idiot? Now the coal mine bosses are so rich. I'll kill you right now." While speaking, Jin Buque casually picked up a brick on the ground , I am going to serve the bald man.

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