As soon as Wildcat entered the Xinsheng Building, he immediately sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

In the past, almost everyone ignored her, looked down on her, and would occasionally sneer at her.

Because although she is a princess, she is really useless.

In fact, the Yaozu's hierarchical system is not strict, and everyone is in awe of the Yaowang.

In this demon clan, it is often determined by ability. [

However, wild cats are more misty and open-minded by nature.

So she didn't care much about being looked down upon by these students.

But today, these people didn't look down on her or ignore her, but they all looked at her with covetous eyes, which made her feel terrified.

Especially those female elves, when they saw the wild cat appear, they couldn't help but snort at her, their eyes were full of jealousy and anger, and they really wanted to attack the wild cat.

The atmosphere in the classroom was very strange. Everyone had a deep hostility towards her, which made her back tremble and she couldn't help shivering.

She looked anxiously at An Ti, who was closest to her, leaned in front of her, and asked in a low voice:

"Anti, what happened to them?!"

An Ti didn't like wild cats in the first place, so he snorted coldly at her, and then said:

"Hmph, don't you know what you're doing?"

"What did I do?!"

The wild cat looked confused.

Didn't she go to class as usual yesterday, then contact her, then get entangled with a few side husbands, and she also saw another side of Bei Mingcang, isn't there any difference?

"Hmph! A woman with a heart! In short, you are not allowed to pester Brother Xuanxiao!"

An Ti gave the wild cat a blank look, and never looked at the wild cat again, making the wild cat confused.

What happened to her? !

When the wild cat was bewildered, she was suddenly hit hard by the back of the crowd, causing her to stagger and fall to the ground. Fortunately, the fall was not severe, so she didn't feel the slightest pain, but it was a hard fall. It was so ugly that everyone laughed coldly.

The wild cat got up from the ground a little depressed, then looked at the female goblin who bumped into him and swaggered away and shouted:

"Who hit me?"

"You hit me too if you have the ability? My dad is Li Gang!" [

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