Mu Ziqiu raised his head with difficulty:

"Quick, go find the princess!"

As soon as Mu Ziqiu's words fell, he felt a strong pain in his back, as if he was thrown to the ground hard.

He almost fell to his knees in pain, a stream of blood flowed from the corner of his lips.

"My lord servant—"[

The people next to him saw it and hurried forward in fright.

Mu Ziqiu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then said:

"I'm fine, now, go find the princess! As long as you find the princess, I'll be fine!"

As Mu Ziqiu said, holding back the pain, he rushed into the Xinsheng Building.

When the wild cat fell for the first time, there was a loud bang under her body, but she didn't feel any pain.

She looked at her body very strangely, then looked at her body, and then her eyes widened in horror:



How is she in mid-air? !

But touching his body gave him a real sense of touch, but his body was transparent, and he could even see the open space under his body where no weeds grew.

This is so weird!

Just as he was thinking, the transparent thing under him suddenly made a rattling sound, as if glass was shattered.

isn't it...

The wild cat waited under him in horror, only to find that there was a crack in the transparency.

This... this... what's going on? !


The wild cat was still in panic, the crack suddenly became bigger, and then it all shattered with a crash.

A big hole appeared under the wild cat, and the wild cat fell straight down without even a chance to save itself.


There was a loud noise, and the wild cat fell directly on its back to the ground, kicking up dust all over the ground, causing her to cough again and again.


What made her wonder again was, why didn't her back hurt at all? !

She coughed repeatedly from the dust, patted the dust on her body and stood up, but then stood there in a daze, at a loss.

Where is this place? !

why is she here !

When I saw it above, it was obviously not like this here!

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