Strongest Torture (3)

Looking at the wild cat, Bei Mingcang was in a bad mood!

Very bad!

A pair of eyes as black as ink, terribly like a wolf who has been hungry for an unknown amount of time, but seeing that there is finally meat in front of him, but it is poisonous and cannot be eaten!

It was obviously brought to the door by that little woman herself, and the meat that reached her mouth was about to be spit out again! [

Therefore, Bei Mingcang's resentment is really very deep!

What an incomparably aggrieved Demon King!

He swore that if he knew who set the seal that caused him, as a demon king, to be so unable to enjoy himself, he would definitely tear him into pieces!

Or, feed him ten or eight sets of super aphrodisiacs, and then lock him up.

Bei Mingcang looked at the wild cat viciously, and cursed the person who had sealed it.

The wild cat stayed in consciousness for a moment, and was a little uncomfortable because of Bei Mingcang's sudden departure. It took a long time to recover, and then realized that he was almost stripped naked again.

It was as if a siren had sounded in his head, and his face was full of heat.

God, she clearly resisted Bei Mingcang before, and once kicked a certain part of a certain person twice.

But just now...

Just now she was obviously……………………………………………………………….

She couldn't help it, she couldn't help but feel ashamed when she thought about it like that, she just wanted to have a erotic dream!

Shame to death!

Don't live anymore, tell her how to meet people.

The wild cat covered his chest with both hands, pulled the quilt over, and covered the weak "spring light" on his chest.

The red light in the house disappeared suddenly, and the wild cat's mood became stable, even though there was still a shameful red light on his face.

When she looked up, she found that Bei Mingcang was still looking at her resentfully, and she said awkwardly:

"Otherwise, I'd better go back to sleep!"

Although she didn't quite understand why Bei Mingcang stopped suddenly, but when she saw Bei Mingcang's appearance, she obviously wanted to eat herself very much, but couldn't.

"No!" [

Bei Mingcang said very domineeringly.

"Then I sleep on the floor?"

Wildcat suggested weakly.


There was always a cluster of flames shining in Bei Mingcang's eyes.

This is not allowed, and that is not allowed, do you want to keep your eyes open all night? !

"Then where do I sleep?" Wild Cat pouted and asked dissatisfied.

"Woman, you sleep here!"

As Bei Mingcang said, he pulled the wild cat into his arms.

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