The only thing she knows is that she must not lose!

"Hehe, it's not a problem for me to teach you, but you have to make sure that you can endure hardships! You can persevere!"

Gu Yue looked at the wild cat with a slight smile, her face was always smiling, but what she said was very serious.

"Ok, I know!"

Wildcat nodded solemnly and replied. [

"Okay, today I will help you smooth out your aura first!"

Gu Yue said with a slight smile, stretched out her hand from the light wall again, and put it on the wild cat's cap, and said to the wild cat before casting the spell:

"This may be a bit painful, you have to be patient! After I help you smooth the aura, the air flow in your body will be smoother, and you will improve faster in the future. Of course, you must cooperate with the cultivation of inner alchemy."

"Today I'll help you get through your aura and mana first, and I'll teach you how to cultivate inner alchemy tomorrow night!

In this way, although your original mana is sealed, you can re-refine your own mana outside, so as to achieve the point of enhancing mana.In this way, your mana will gradually increase. "

Gu Yue said with a smile before casting a spell on the wild cat.

"Does that mean that the mana that I re-upgrade in the future will not be sealed, as long as I strengthen my practice, it will gradually increase?"

Wildcat's eyes widened, and she was thrilled by the news.

"Yes! Because the seal only seals your previous mana, but it doesn't seal your later improved mana. So as long as you practice diligently, you will gradually improve!"

Gu Yue said with a slight smile.

"Enn, I know, I will work hard! I will work hard to make myself stronger!"

The wild cat nodded again and again, with a smile on his face.

"Let's go, I'm ready!"

The wild cat looked at Gu Yue and said with a smile, then closed his eyes, waiting for what he said to be a bit painful to open up the aura.

This may be similar to the feeling of getting through the two veins of Ren and Du in martial arts novels.

Gu Yue watched with a slight smile as the wild cat closed its eyes, looking deathly at home, couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, and then exerted force on his hand, a dazzling white light emanated from his hand

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