However, what he has to worry about now is the safety of the princess.

"You take good care of my valet, if anything goes wrong with my valet, I will return your inner alchemy!"

After Gaefeng finished speaking, he left quickly.

A subordinate reported just now that the princess' aura suddenly disappeared out of thin air after she left her dormitory. There must be something wrong with it.

And Xiaofu followed the mandala, step by step, about three steps away. [

Although she is very arrogant and violent, but if she promises something, she must do it.

What's more, she gave the alchemy to the mandala.

Mandala felt that Xiaofu was following behind her, and couldn't help frowning:

"I have already saved the person, why do you still follow me?"

Upon hearing this, Xiaofu raised her head and said:

"Our golden wolf clan is a clan that keeps its word. I said that as long as you are willing to help save brother Ziqiu, I will let you order me."

The delicate girl's golden eyes shone with firmness.

The unrepentant eyes suddenly made Mandala feel a little dazzling.

He snorted coldly, turned his head away:

"No need, when it is useful to go to your place, I will naturally find you!"

After Mandala finished speaking, he strode forward again, but Xiaofu still followed closely behind him.

Wherever the mandala goes, she follows.

Mandala finally couldn't help it, he turned his head, looked at Xiaofu and said:

"Since you said you were at my disposal, you should have heard what I just said."

He was going to find the princess, how could he take this woman with him.

And she is also a woman of the Golden Wolf clan.

Xiaofu gritted her teeth, looked at the mandala, and said after a long time:

"My inner alchemy is in your hands. If I get too far away from you, I will lose my mana and show my original shape! You are also a fairy, so you should know better than me."

When Mandala heard this, he remembered what he had said before to reject Xiaofu, but he did not expect that she would actually give her inner alchemy to herself. [

Neidan is so important to a goblin.

Without the inner alchemy, a goblin's life is tantamount to the end.

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