No wonder Mu Ziqiu told her this morning that today would make her feel better.

In a hurry, the wild cat grabbed Xiaofu's hand and asked:

"how is he?"

"Don't worry, I won't die yet, please don't harm him in the future!"

Xiao Fu looked at the wild cat and was quite disgusted, then she grabbed the wild cat's hand and hurried towards the place where Mu Ziqiu was. [

In the pagoda, Ye Mao asked Gu Yue Xiaoxiao to open up the spiritual energy for him, but he persisted, but frowned when he felt uncomfortable, even Gu Yue Xiaoxiao found it strange.

He himself could feel the discomfort caused by the reloading of these two forces, why the wild cat with mana status and being sealed could bear it.

With the help of Gu Yue's smile, it took about an hour to finally get through the aura of the wild cat.

The wild cat suddenly felt refreshed, as if he had been completely reborn.

Although it is not enough to feel that there is a stronger mana than before, the whole person has become very light.

This magical feeling made her feel incredible.

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't pass through that layer of light, she might have been jumping and jumping happily holding Gu Yue with a smile.

She was finally going to really step out of the ranks of useless wood.

"Thank you, Brother Gu Yue!"

The wild cat looked left and right at himself in surprise, obviously nothing had changed, yet everything seemed to have changed.

What a magical feeling.

Gu Yue smiled slightly as if he was a little tired, it took him a lot of mana to unleash the aura for the wild cat.

"Brother Miaomiao Gu Yue will not be able to impart mana to you today, because my inner alchemy is not on me, so I have exhausted my mana today and need to recover properly. Come back tomorrow night, I will teach you how to practice inner alchemy Methods!"

Although she looked tired, Gu Yue still had a warm smile on her smiling face.

When the wild cat heard it, he looked at Gu Yue and smiled, and was really moved in his heart.

She actually didn't know who he was, but he said that he was once a close friend of the Demon King.

And she just believed in him, because he had the power to make herself believe.

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