Seeing that Gaefeng was going to beat her because of the wild cat, Xiaofu stomped her feet angrily, turned around and ran away.

Yemao looked at Xiaofu's leaving figure with dim eyes.

She is a scourge.

"Gie Feng, take me to see Mu Ziqiu!" The wild cat looked up at Lie Feng with clear eyes and firm will:

"Although I can't dispel the spell, I can help him!" [

Liefeng took a deep look at the wild cat, then nodded, took the wild cat's hand, held it tightly, and walked towards his room.

When the wild cat saw Mu Ziqiu, who was lying on the bed unconsciously and pale, his eyes were sore and he almost shed tears.

When Xiaofu saw the wild cat coming in, she glared at the wild cat bitterly, and said in a rather bad tone:

"Do you still have the face to come?"

Seeing Xiaofu's appearance, Ye Mao didn't get angry. It was reasonable for her to hate her, and she couldn't refute it.

Ye Mao turned his head to look at the demon doctor beside him and asked:

"Is Mu Ziqiu all right?"

"The situation of the valet has stabilized. The young master of the flower demon came here just now, so the pain of the valet has been relieved, but because the damage caused by this transfer is a bit big, it has a certain amount of damage to his own spirit. I can't wake up."

The demon doctor quickly replied.

"Then when will the spell be automatically dispelled?"

The wild cat remembered that when he fell off Beimingcang's bed last night, he clearly felt the pain. At that time, the spell should have been lifted, so Mu Ziqiu cast the spell on himself for the second time this morning.

"It will be about tonight to see the traces of the spell of the valet."

The demon doctor quickly replied.

"I see!"

Wildcat nodded.

Mu Ziqiu said that she can perform the healing technique, but her healing technique also has the ability to transfer damage, so when she performs the healing technique for others, she will also transfer the pain to herself.

But if the spell between himself and Mu Ziqiu has not been lifted, even if he performs the healing spell, it will become meaningless.

This time, it's her time to guard him, it's her time to protect him!

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