The wild cat ignored Bei Mingcang who was approaching angrily, but looked at the pale An Ti and asked:

"Anti, are you okay?"

An Ti nodded blankly, then shook his head again.

"Don't worry, he didn't mean anything malicious! It's all right! It's all right!"

Although An Ti is a child who hates himself and is a little awkward, but a child is a child after all, and he was frightened by Bei Mingcang just now. [

It took a long time for An Ti's pale face to return to normal.

Seeing the wild cat holding her hand, he snorted coldly and pulled it back:

"Stupid princess, don't get too close to me, I'm afraid your idiot will infect me!"


The cold sweat on the wild cat's head.

An Ti still hates herself so much.

"Anti, why are you here?"

Is it waiting for Xuan Xiao?

"Xuan Xiao has already left!"

Wildcat reminded kindly again.

"Hmph! I don't need you to remind me! I just came to see if you, the stupid princess, have become more stupid after being punished by Gui Xu yesterday! I didn't expect that you are still the same stupid!"

An Ti looked at the wild cat and said angrily.


The wild cat was choked again by An Ti and was speechless. Looking at An Ti, he couldn't say a word.

"Anti, let's go!"

At this moment, Xuan Xiao's voice suddenly came from not far away.

When An Ti heard this, she got up immediately, and ran away in a hurry.

Seeing the two of them leaving, one big and one small, Ye Mao sighed in his heart, turned around, and saw Bei Mingcang standing in front of him with a dark face. described.

"Hehe...Jiujiu, didn't you say take me to a place? Where is it?" [

The wild cat quickly pretended to be stupid, and smiled embarrassingly.

"Woman, this king really wants to strangle you to death!"

For any inexplicable reason, she dared to pronounce her own name.

It seemed that he took her too seriously.


The wild cat looked at him with a smirk, and then suddenly said seriously:

"Jiujiu, I agree to your condition just now, but I also have one condition, if you agree, I will agree!"

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