Didn't hit a tree? !

The wild cat leaned tightly on Bei Mingcang's arms, feeling puzzled for a while.

"Woman, open your eyes and look at the things in front of you. Do you have any impression?"

Bei Mingcang spoke suddenly, his tone was rarely serious.

Because usually Beimingcang is always high above him, he doesn't take everything seriously, and looks very arrogant, of course the coldness of that night is excluded. [

But the tone of his speech just now was rarely normal.

When the wild cat heard this, he quickly opened his eyes.

But everything in front of her made her eyes widen suddenly, and she looked at it in disbelief, as if she didn't believe that everything in front of her was real.

Since crossing over to the Yaozu, all the wild cats have seen are beautiful and exquisite, with lush greenery everywhere, flying birds and animals, and it is extremely comfortable.

The air is clean, there is no concrete forest, no car exhaust...

Although there are always many unsatisfactory things, but for the wild cats, it is as beautiful as a paradise.

At first, the wild cat always wanted to travel back, but gradually, she fell in love with this place, because it is so beautiful.

But today, for the first time, the wild cat saw something other than beauty.

Desolate, chilling, sad, gloomy...

This is an adjective that the wild cat can think of, but it is not enough to describe one percent of the scene in front of it.

Why is there such a tragic scene behind a tree?

The wild cat didn't know, she only knew that this time, when she saw the scene in front of her, her tears fell completely.

There are scorched trees, ruined walls, rusty weapons everywhere, and there seems to be a smell of blood in the dust rolled up by the black wind.

This place seems to have experienced the cruelest battle ever!

Where is this place?

Why is it so familiar to me, but I can't remember anything?

But why, the previous feeling came again, countless pictures flashed in her mind like fast shots of movies, but she couldn't capture a single picture.

There was a strong sadness in her heart, slowly overflowing from her heart, surrounding her whole body.

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