Charming Demon King Palace: This concubine is very charming and cute

Chapter 330 : That Beautiful Woman in the Light!

Under the immature appearance, under the ignorance that always makes troubles and doesn't understand anything, there is a clear heart.

Just now, Xuan Xiao realized that this princess was not as useless as she appeared on the surface. In fact, she was clearer and clearer than anyone else in her heart.

And she is also growing step by step.

Can you believe her?

Xuan Xiao didn't know, but he faintly agreed with An Ti's words in his heart, and he really couldn't hate her. [

"Let's go!"

Xuan Xiao finally took An Ti's hand and left.

"Brother Xuan Xiao, I was arranged to compete with that idiot princess, do you think I should win her?"

An Ti asked as she walked.

"Just be your normal self!"

Xuan Xiao said in his usual indifferent voice.


An Ti replied.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the academy. When Xuan Xiao heard it, he immediately stopped and looked back, then frowned, looked at An Ti and said:

"You go back first!"

After Xuan Xiao finished speaking, he jumped up, transformed into his original shape in mid-air, and flew towards the place where the sound came from.

----------------------- Hello everyone, I am the scene dividing line that hasn't appeared for a long time --------------- ------------------

The pain of the wild cat would be doubled on Bei Mingcang's body. At this moment, Bei Mingcang certainly felt the pain of the wild cat.


Bei Mingcang was startled, and a violent air suddenly exuded from his whole body. With a wave of his long hand, a big black and red sword appeared in his hand.

He raised his sword with both hands, and slashed fiercely at the formation. With just one sword, the white light was scattered, and then he stretched out his hand, and pulled the wild cat out of the white light.

"Woman, are you still alive?"

Bei Mingcang could feel the pain from his heart.

The wild cat blinked its eyelashes a few times, then opened them slowly, looking at Bei Mingcang in front of him, he was dazed for a moment, and it took a long time before he returned to normal. [

"Jiujiu?! What happened just now?" The wild cat just felt that he was involved in a burst of white light, and there was a severe pain in his heart.

When she thought she was about to die, she saw a woman in the white light.

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