"Dare to make trouble in my territory, it seems that I really don't take my Tiger Clan seriously!"

A murderous intent flashed in Xuan Xiao's indifferent eyes.

The wild cat was taken aback, completely unaware of what happened.

What's happening here?

Could it be that Bei Mingcang and Xuan Xiao are going to confront each other? [

Just as he was thinking, the sky suddenly darkened, and an invisible space quickly expanded from the place where the wild cat was to an independent space.


They were locked in an enchantment!

"Jiujiu..." Wildcat just wanted to persuade Bei Mingcang not to fight Xuan Xiao, but heard Xuan Xiao say:



what is coming?

Just as the wild cat was thinking, a deafening roar came from the forest, and then the whole ground began to shake.

"Woman, stay here and don't move!"

Bei Mingcang put the wild cat on the ground, then held a big black and red sword in his hand, with a mocking smile on his face.

The wild cat looked at Bei Mingcang and nodded, knowing that being obedient and obedient at this moment is the greatest help to them.

Just as he was thinking about it, a gigantic creature rushed out of the forest, roared, and rushed towards the wild cat's position.

When Xuan Xiao saw it, he flew forward, threw the spear, and with a low whistle, the spear pierced the monster's eyes.

The monster roared in pain, causing the entire forest to tremble.

The pain made it angry from embarrassment, opened its mouth wide, stretched its arms and rushed towards Xuan Xiao.

"Be careful--"

Seeing that Xuan Xiao was about to be knocked down with a palm, the wild cat yelled worriedly.

At this critical moment, Xuan Xiao let out a low whistle at the monster, and then jumped up, a pair of white wings stretched out from his back.

He waved his wings, flew high into the sky, then swooped down from above with the spear in his hand, and poured the spear into the monster's brain all at once. [

After struggling several times, the monster finally collapsed to the ground with a bang.

The wild cat stared blankly at all this, and forgot to close its mouth in surprise.

Because Xuan Xiao just now is really handsome!

Her long silver hair fluttered in the wind, her white wings fluttered slightly in the air, she held a spear in her hand, her expression was indifferent, and the red mark on her forehead was even more vivid.

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