At this moment, Bei Mingcang truly showed his essence as a demon king. His long black hair fluttered with every wave of his hand, and his stern and beautiful face carried the arrogance of holding all life in his hands. The movements are so eye-catching, so beautiful.

The wild cat stared blankly at everything in the sky, without the fear of last time, but with endless sighs.

Could it be that because Bei Mingcang was by her side, she didn't feel afraid anymore?

In the end, Bei Mingcang seemed to think that such a sword was too troublesome. He saw him swiping his long sword, and a burst of dazzling golden light followed the long sword. The golden light swung towards the group of monsters. The chance to call disappeared with the wind.

The wild cat opened its mouth in astonishment, and looked at Bei Mingcang, only now did it realize how powerful Bei Mingcang was. [

The things in front of him are as easy as his player's house wine. It can be seen that although Xuan Xiao didn't use [-]% of his power, he also used [-]% to [-]%. Did not use it.

Bei Mingcang seemed to have killed very happily, and hearty laughter kept coming from the air, while the wild cat also stared blankly at this almost one-sided massacre.

Because she was not in danger and had no chance to make a move, she stayed there obediently, waiting for the killing to end.

And it seemed that the wild cat was thinking too easily. Just when she thought everything was about to end, there was a sudden vibration under her feet. The wild cat was startled, and it was obvious that something was about to come out from her feet.

And she was about to call for help, but found that a large group of black crows flew over her head at an unknown time, attacking Beimingcang and Xuanxiao frantically.

At this moment, her foot was suddenly grabbed by a hand, and the cold feeling made the wild cat scream in fright:


Looking down, I don't know when, the soil under my feet cracked and cracked, and hands came out of the ground non-stop, pulling the wild cat's feet, about to fall down.



The two fighting in the air saw that they were about to fly towards the wild cats, but how could the large group of black crows let them go and attacked again in large groups.

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