"Who could that person be? Mu Ziqiu? Lie Feng? Or Xuan Xiao? Wu Liyang? Mandala..."

The wild cat counted the people around him, but Bei Mingcang's name was not counted.

Seeing that Bei Mingcang's face was getting darker and darker, she quickly said with a smile:

"I see! He actually meant Jiujiu! Jiujiu is so powerful, of course I'm very relieved!"

When Bei Mingcang heard this, he raised his eyebrows, then lowered his head, and kissed the wild cat fiercely. [

This damn woman is getting more and more provocative about her emotions.

However, the wild cat still didn't understand who that vague man was and why he knew his name.

But because I didn't even see his appearance clearly, I couldn't describe it to Bei Mingcang.

Of course, it was also impossible to know who that person was from Bei Mingcang's mouth.

But, why did she tell herself to stay away from Gu Yue's smile?

Isn't Gu Yue Xiaoxiao imprisoned in the tower?

His inner alchemy was taken, his hands and feet were bound by special iron chains, and there was a layer of light outside.

Is it related to the man in the dream?

So, could the person who imprisoned Gu Yue Xiaoxiao be the man in the dream?

The wild cat didn't know, and his mind became more and more confused. The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't figure it out.


A big hand slapped Wild Cat's head violently, and an unhappy tone sounded in Wild Cat's ears:

"Woman, this king is willing to teach you spells, but you dare to leave me in a daze?!"

He yelled a few times and didn't respond, which made Bei Mingcang, who is the devil king, very upset. Knowing that hitting a wild cat would hurt him, and it was double the pain, he also slapped it down with one palm.

The wild cat looked up, looked at Bei Mingcang with tears in his eyes, and said with a pout:

"No one was good last night, sleepy!"

She was really sleepy, she knew she wouldn't be so excited last night.

"Jiujiu, I'm going to sleep for a while!"

As the wild cat said, it crawled towards the bed. [

On the one hand, she was really sleepy, on the other hand, she wanted to see if that man would come to her dream again.

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