No one knew that Gu Yue smiled, let alone that he had seen Gu Yue's smile, why did the man in the dream know?

The wild cat entered the tower carefully, and then looked at the tower, but nothing changed.

She sighed and walked towards the ground.

Sitting in the light wall, Gu Yue smiled and slowly opened those clear eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything, showing a loving smile:

"Miaomiao is here!" [

The tone was calm and breezy, as if the wild cat just went to school in the morning and greeted home after school in the afternoon, which made the wild cat feel very close.

She wanted to ask, but didn't know where to ask.

"I'm sorry, Brother Gu Yue, I didn't break the appointment on purpose, I was discovered when I came out that day, and I just touched it out quietly!"

Ye Mao apologized and walked in front of Gu Yue with a slight smile, and then sat opposite with his chin in his hands.

"It's okay, I was worried that something happened to Miao Miao, it's great that there is nothing wrong now!"

Gu Yue smiled indifferently, still so gentle.

Wildcat looked at him and sighed inwardly.

Look, how nice it is for Gu Yue to smile, she speaks nicely, and is gentle to people.

How is it like Bei Mingcang, who punishes himself every now and then, yelling and making noise at himself.

"Miaomiao has something on her mind?"

Gu Yue looked at the wild cat sighing with a slight smile, and asked.

"No! It's just that there is a competition tomorrow, and I'm a little nervous, so I'm here to talk to you!"

The wild cat shook his head, and said with a smile.

"Oh, yes, I remember Miaomiao said that you can't lose the game! So, today I will teach Miaomiao how to practice inner alchemy!"

Gu Yue smiled slightly as if she understood, and said with a clear smile.

The wild cat found it really comfortable to talk to Gu Yue with a smile. He always makes people feel like a spring breeze, and always makes people feel warm in the heart.

"Well, but today I don't need brother Gu Yue to teach me how to practice inner alchemy, because I have already learned it!"

Wildcat said quite proudly.

Gu Yue smiled slightly, and there was a moment of astonishment on his expression, and an unknown emotional change appeared in his eyes, but it disappeared immediately, and the wild cat did not notice this change. [

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