Looking at the tentacles that kept popping up and the monsters attacking him all around, the wild cat shook his wrist and directly lifted the laser gun out.

"Go away! Everyone go away!"

Although the previous competition consumed most of the wild cat's mana, but at this moment, she still persisted.

At least, don't let her become a burden to others.

The academy was in chaos, with raging fire everywhere, and countless screams resounded all around. [

Buildings collapsed, blood splattered everywhere, limbs and arms were broken, and the crowd kept falling...

Everything, like that day, was re-interpreted in front of the wild cat.

The wild cat strafed one monster after another, panting from exhaustion.

This time, at least she won't be a burden to others.


At this moment, the wild cat suddenly heard An Ti's exclamation, turned around and saw a wolf-headed monster holding a hammer and swinging towards An Ti.


Xuan Xiao repelled a huge monster with one shot, and rushed towards An Ti suddenly.

The wild cat opened its eyes wide, only to realize that An Ti was standing there, unable to move.

It seems that something has gone wrong with An Ti since just now.

Only then did the wild cat notice that An Ti's mana was blocked!


"Wind, send me there!"

In a hurry, the wild cat waved his wrist, and a strong wind came, blowing the wild cat to An Ti's side.

At this critical moment, the hammer slammed onto the wild cat's body.



Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

The wild cat was slammed to the ground by the hammer, and the violent impact from her back made her fly a long way. [

And this didn't end, the next moment, a sharp sword swung towards the wild cat, piercing through her body violently.


When Bei Mingcang saw it, he went completely mad.

With a long howl, he swung the black-red sword, a dazzling golden light flashed, and all the monsters in front of him were turned into ashes.

He teleported to the side of the wild cat, and knocked the monster away with his palm.

The sword was pulled out, and the wild cat's body was intact.

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