


is he dead !

don't want……[

don't want--

"Woman, cheer up!"

Bei Mingcang looked at the wild cat with empty eyes, and the symptoms from last time reappeared, so he couldn't help but patted the wild cat's face a few times.


Why does it hurt?

Wildcat never thought that one day the people around him would really leave.

Mu Ziqiu is so kind, Mu Ziqiu is so responsible, Mu Ziqiu is so caring about himself.

In her heart, she had long regarded Mu Ziqiu as an older brother.

However, this warmth is about to disappear? !

It hurts, my chest hurts!

The wild cat was devastated, and fell into a state of trance again.

She once promised Mu Ziqiu that she would become strong, that she would not rely on sacrificing those around her to protect herself.

However, she made a slip of the tongue again.

No matter how hard she tried, the final outcome did not change.

The last time he harmed Lie Feng, this time, he harmed Mu Ziqiu, so who will it be next time? !


The wild cat suddenly burst out with a powerful force, and broke free from Bei Mingcang's embrace.

She stood there, raised her head, screamed in pain, and a dazzling white light radiated from her body, like ripples, quickly extending outward.

An invisible pressure came, and everyone was immediately crushed to the ground, unable to move. [

Even Bei Mingcang at this moment felt the strong power in the wild cat's body was much stronger than last time.

The wild cat raised its head and howled in pain:

"Mu Ziqiu—"

Tears trickled down from the corners of his eyes.

When the white light passed by, everyone couldn't move, and the pressure from life actually made everyone feel panic.

That is a kind of power that is above everything, that is a kind of majesty that cannot be resisted, that is a kind of sorrow that purifies everything...

"Everyone, cast spells to protect yourself! Quick!"

Elder Xuan suddenly shouted, and immediately propped up the barrier.

Hearing Elder Xuan's voice, everyone felt threatened.

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