Charming Demon King Palace: This concubine is very charming and cute

Chapter 386: Mu Ziqiu, the inner alchemy is broken!

Generally speaking, the recovery ability of goblins is very strong, and they will not die so easily.

But Mu Ziqiu's injuries were too severe, he hit the heart several times in a row and injured Neidan.

At this moment, I am afraid that the inner alchemy has been shattered.

Otherwise, it won't be looming, or it won't change back to its original shape.

Mu Ziqiu lay on the ground without any anger, his face was still pale, and his body gradually became translucent. [

"No, I don't want brother Ziqiu to die!"

Xiaofu looked at Mu Ziqiu with tears streaming down her face, then she sat cross-legged on the ground, made a formula, opened her mouth, and spit out the inner alchemy.

Mandala saw it, stepped forward, took Xiaofu's hand, and then grabbed Xiaofu's inner alchemy with the other hand.

"what are you going to do?!"

Mandala looked at Xiaofu and frowned.

"Give it back to me! I'll give my inner alchemy to brother Ziqiu, and he won't die!"

Xiaofu looked at Neidan who had been snatched away by the mandala, desperately trying to get it back.

When Mandala heard it, his usually elegant face with a soft smile was stained with anger.

"Do you know what will happen after you give the Neidan to him?!"

This is different from when he asked for Xiaofu's inner alchemy before. He asked for Xiaofu's inner alchemy just to make her retreat.

And if Xiaofu gave the inner alchemy to Mu Ziqiu, because the inner alchemy was shattered, Mu Ziqiu would absorb Xiaofu's inner alchemy and make it his own. In that case, Xiaofu would lose the inner alchemy .

All the cultivation is in vain, and it will directly change back to its original form. It is not certain that it will be possible to cultivate a human form in this life.

He had already witnessed a tragedy, and now someone was going to stage a second tragedy in front of him.

"I know!"

Xiao Fu said firmly.

"If you know why do you still do it?"

Mandala was obviously angry.

If it wasn't because the golden wolf demon in front of him looked like that person, he would have left her alone.

But why are they all so stupid, to sacrifice their lives to save others depends on whether the other party needs to be saved? [

"I said that I love him, so I am willing to do anything! Give it back to me!"

Xiao Fu stretched out her hand.

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