Charming Demon King Palace: This concubine is very charming and cute

Chapter 394: 99, will you always be by my side?

"Woman, have you forgotten? This king is by your side! No matter what kind of wish you have, this king will fulfill it for you!"

Bei Mingcang looked at the wild cat and made such a promise.

Promise as a Demon King!

Because this woman has been integrated into his life from the moment he saw him for the first time.

"Will Jiujiu always be by my side? No matter when?" [

Wildcat asked timidly.

"Of course! Whenever!"

Even if you drive him away, he probably won't leave.

Even if there is another man in her heart first, then he will drive that man out, so that the person who lives in this woman's heart is himself.

He is the supreme demon king. In this world, there is nothing he can't get, and there is nothing he can't do.

However, he wants to get this woman!

The wild cat looked at Bei Mingcang and smiled!

The scene began to change, and the space began to disappear. Bei Mingcang knew that she was about to wake up, so he quickly exited the wild cat's dream.

When Bei Mingcang just returned to his body, he found the wild cat lying on the bed, his eyelashes fluttered a few times, and he slowly opened his eyes.

At first, his eyes were blurred for a while, but then he gradually gained focus.

She looked at Beimingcang, and called out in a low voice:

"Nine nine..."

"Very good, I still recognize this king!"

Bei Mingcang raised his eyebrows at her, and said arrogantly.

"I seemed to be dreaming about Jiujiu just now, but... this should be impossible! Because Jiujiu in the dream is so gentle and gentle! It really is a dream!"

Wildcat rubbed his head and muttered to himself.

When Bei Mingcang heard this, the corners of his eyebrows twitched, and his eyes suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Admit it, it affected his image of the Demon King too much!

If you don't admit it, it's a bit reconciled. [

At this moment, someone knocked on the door.


Bei Mingcang raised his eyebrows and asked in displeasure.

"Your Highness, are you awake?"

There was a anxious sound of Gale outside.

Bei Mingcang was very upset, but he knew that Gaefeng came to find the wild cat must be because of Mu Ziqiu's affairs.


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