Charming Demon King Palace: This concubine is very charming and cute

Chapter 399: No matter what method, she will try!

No matter how hard she tried, Mu Ziqiu didn't seem to change.

At this moment, Mu Ziqiu seemed to be asleep, lying there quietly.

There is no pair of gentle eyes looking at me, no pair of warm big hands to tidy up my messy hair, no words of careful teaching spit out from my mouth.

He fell asleep quietly like a plant in the world where wild cats lived.

"It seems that if you want to revive Mu Ziqiu and completely restore the inner alchemy, this alone is not enough! You need to use even stronger power!" [

Elder Xuan checked Mu Ziqiu's situation again and said.

Elder Xuan also noticed this situation. Mu Ziqiu really seemed to be asleep at the moment, and he couldn't wake up no matter how much he screamed.

Although it looks like this on the surface, it is actually in Mu Ziqiu's body without inner alchemy.

His inner alchemy was shattered and scattered in every corner of his body.

"Then... find a stronger power, can Mu Ziqiu be saved?"

Wildcat looked at Elder Xuan nervously and asked.

"It's only a half chance. I don't know if he can live or not! However, he can last at least for a while now!"

Elder Xuan checked Mu Ziqiu's physical condition again and said.

"I'll try! Even if it's a [-]% chance, I'll try!"

Wildcat stood up and said firmly.

As long as you find a more powerful force, that's it!

Well, she is willing to try!

She remembered that the priest once said that if you collect all the spirit stones on the bracelet, then you can gain the power to open up the world and travel through time and space.

So, as long as you gather all the spirit stones on the bracelet, you can get that power, right?

At present, two spirit stones on the bracelet have been gathered. The wild cat looked at the traces on it, as long as the remaining four are found, then they can be gathered together!

Also, she remembered that Gu Yue said with a smile that her power was sealed, and if the seal was untied, her own power would also become very powerful.

Therefore, there is actually a chance to save Mu Ziqiu!

No matter what method, she will try it!

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