"No, Miao Miao is already very capable! Knowing that you will be injured and dare to stand in front of others, this is enough to prove that you are already a qualified princess!

As the king of the monster clan, one must not only have the ability, but more importantly, one must have the psychological preparation to protect the clansmen.And Miaomiao already has it!What kind of king there is, what kind of people there will be!

So, Mu Ziqiu just did the same thing as the princess! "

Gu Yue's comfort to the wild cat with a smile is always particularly deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Therefore, the wild cat likes to talk to Gu Yue with a smile, and likes to tell him what's in his heart. [

Because every time, he can successfully give the wild cat the courage to start again.

"Therefore, Miaomiao should go to find the spirit stone and save Mu Ziqiu. This is also Miaomiao's responsibility! Because it is Miaomiao's responsibility! As a monster princess, it is also a responsibility that cannot be shirked as a friend! Miaomiao Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Gu Yue looked at the wild cat with a slight smile and said.

"Yes, got it!"

Wildcat nodded.

Of course she understands this truth, and her decision is unshakable.

So today she came here to bid farewell to Gu Yue with a smile.

"I knew it, Miaomiao is the most sensible!"

Gu Yue smiled slightly.

Wildcat felt warm in his heart.

Every time Gu Yue smiled and praised herself, she felt very comfortable.

It's like a child who has done the right thing is praised by his parents, and his heart is very warm.

"So I'm here today to say goodbye to you! Maybe I won't be able to see you for a while! So you are alone, take good care of your health! After I collect all the spirit stones, I will definitely be able to take you rescued!"

Wildcat shook the bracelet in his hand and said.

She can!

"Well, I believe in Miaomiao! I'm also waiting for Miaomiao to come back and rescue me! But Miaomiao must be careful when going out, you know?"

Gu Yue said with a slight smile, withdrew her hand and shook it on her body. When she opened her hand again, a hair appeared on her hand!

The wild cat froze for a moment, looked at Gu Yue with a slight smile, his face full of doubts.

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