Charming Demon King Palace: This concubine is very charming and cute

Chapter 427: Is the one on his ear a spirit stone? !

Although the person in front of her had nothing to do with her, she still couldn't bear to leave him behind.

The wild cat sighed, then looked around again, and once again took a look at the handsome man sitting in the hot spring, and simply squatted down to observe carefully.

Sure enough, the eyebrows are still like a dream, with a peerless style!

In this place where the higher the mana is, the more beautiful he looks. Presumably he is also a person with very strong mana.

Wildcat suddenly remembered the stud on his ear, and looked at his bracelet again. [

Could the handsome man on the territory of the Feiyu clan be from the Feiyu clan?

So, could the earring on his ear be the spirit stone she was looking for?

The wild cat stretched out its hand towards the handsome man and approached tremblingly, wanting to brush his hair away and take a look at the red opal earring on his ear.

Because if it is really a spirit stone, based on past experience, the bracelet will definitely react!

Thinking about it, the wild cat took a deep breath, and nervously stretched out his hand to his face.


Neck pain, shoulder pain, wrist pain today...

The code word sequelae are serious!

So today's coding is very painful, I'm sorry everyone.

That's all for today's tenth update. The number of words in this chapter is not enough. When Lan Lan is no longer in pain, a violent update will make up for it!

Sincere apologies!

Good night everyone, see you tomorrow!

Tomorrow's plot preview: Why does the beautiful boy transform, what is the significance, and where did the others go? !Stay tuned!

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Neck pain, shoulder pain, wrist pain today...

The code word sequelae are serious!

So today's coding is very painful, I'm sorry everyone.

That's all for today's tenth update. The number of words in this chapter is not enough. When Lan Lan is no longer in pain, a violent update will make up for it!

Sincere apologies! [

Good night everyone, see you tomorrow!

Tomorrow's plot preview: Why does the beautiful boy transform, what is the significance, and where did the others go? !Stay tuned!

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