Wildcat didn't know what was going on, but he did.

The Feiyu clan is a special race among the monster clan.

The Feiyu clan was born with no gender.

Their gender is not determined until they reach adulthood.

And what kind of definite method? [

That is determined by the first person who sees their bodies!

If you see a woman, you become a man, and if you see a man, you become a woman.

From then on, their whole life was determined accordingly.

After transforming, they will follow the person who transformed them!

So, the first thing he does now is to drag this woman away, lest she foolishly make a lifelong betrothal with her.

Just kidding, this little goblin was made by him.

"But when we leave, he might be in danger! I forgot to tell you that he was not a man at first, but after meeting me and finding out that I was a woman, he became a man!"

The wild cat hesitated, looked at the man in the hot spring, but didn't move his feet.

"He can't die! Let's go!"

Bei Mingcang said that he was going to carry her away.

"However, I promised him to protect him during the transformation. It's not kind to leave like this!"

Wildcat was still hesitating.

"Woman, do you have any objections to this king's words?!"

Bei Mingcang raised his eyebrows, and he didn't see him for a while. Is the status of other men more important than his words?

Bei Mingcang said very unhappy.

"No... I'm just expressing a superficial opinion!"

Wildcat lowered his head and said weakly.

"Hmph! Then don't leave!"

As Bei Mingcang said, he was about to leave with the wild cat. [

"But Jiujiu, why did he suddenly become a man? It's so strange!"

Wildcat asked curiously.

At this moment, the eyelashes of the handsome man in the hot spring trembled slightly, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Those emerald green eyes were like a pool of lake water, with pulsating glances, captivating.

He blinked suspiciously first, and looked at the scene in front of him.

When he turned his head and saw Beimingcang and Yemao, his eyes lit up suddenly, as if he had discovered some gem, and the corners of his mouth were full of smiles.

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