"You said, you just left like this, what should the slave family do? When the slave family returns, how can I explain to the clansmen!"

Kong Xuan smiled and walked over with twists and turns.

"Did you still look at my body? I didn't ask you to be responsible, so it's me who is at a disadvantage!"

The wild cat looked at Kong Xuan, blushing rather displeasedly and said.

What's the matter, it's also women who suffer more! [

What's wrong with a man!

"Woman, he saw your body?"

When Bei Mingcang heard it, anger began to burn in his eyes, the black air all over his body became thicker, and a black whirlwind surrounded his whole body.

"Who told her to look like a man, but said that she is a woman, of course I have to check it out! Because my family has never seen such an ugly woman!"

Kong Xuan looked at the wild cat and said.

When the wild cat heard this, he clenched his fists angrily.

This damned bitch!

If she knew that she should have let him die there when he transformed, why should she worry about it!

pissed her off!

pissed her off!

With a flick of Wildcat's wrist, the bracelet turned into a broom and appeared on his hand.

"Hey, do you want to compete with the slave family?"

Kong Xuan smiled, stretched out his hand, made an orchid finger with one hand, and took off the hairpin on his hand, and suddenly a head of slightly curly long hair poured down.

Coupled with the amorous look between his eyebrows, he really looks like a stunner.

He turned the hairpin around, and what appeared in his hand was a mighty sword!

"Want to be an enemy of this king?! You are not qualified enough!"

As Bei Mingcang said, he waved his big hand, and a black-red sword with red light appeared in his hand.

He jumped up and rushed towards Kong Xuan. The fast-moving wild cat couldn't see clearly.

There was only a loud bang of "Kang Dang--", swords and knives collided together, and sparks shone in the air. [

The Wildcat stood there with a broom and had almost no chance of making a move.

Because she couldn't see the movements of the two of them clearly.

Only two figures, one purple and one red, were entangled in the air, and the smell of calcium carbide sparks wafted through the air.

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