In other words, he felt very upset that Bei Mingcang occupied the wild cat by himself.

"Well, the last words are finished, you can die!"

Bei Mingcang raised his eyebrows, no matter what else he did, he stabbed at Wu Liyang with a single sword.

Wu Liyang took a look and quickly hid behind the wild cat:

"Little cat, I'm your side husband, you should be responsible to me too!"


The wild cat was in a cold sweat, but he couldn't let Bei Mingcang kill him indiscriminately.

"Jiujiu, do you remember what you promised me?!"

The wild cat quickly grabbed Bei Mingcang's hand:

"You promised me not to kill indiscriminately!"


Beimingcang snorted coldly, and as a last resort, withdrew his sword.

At this moment, there was a loud noise behind him, and only Wu Liyang screamed.

The wild cat looked back curiously, only to find that Wu Liyang had been stepped on the ground by the mandala.

Mandala looked at Wu Liyang who was stepped on the ground by herself, not only did not apologize at all, but moved her foot gracefully:

"Isn't this Young Master Wu? Why did he lie down on the ground!"

Xiao Fu, who followed the mandala, couldn't help covering her mouth and smiling.

She clearly saw the mandala and saw Wu Liyang below, so she chose that position and fell down on purpose, hitting Wu Liyang on purpose.

"Mandala, one day..."

I am going to kill you!

Wu Liyang looked at the mandala angrily.

At this moment, another black shadow fell in midair.

Compared with other people's way of landing, his way of landing is steady, just like his usual expression and way of doing things.

Xuan Xiao fluttered a pair of white wings, and fell from the midair together with the strong wind. [

As soon as Gaefeng saw the wild cat, he rushed up:

"Princess, are you alright?"

Wildcat shook his head, then looked at the crowd and asked:

"Are you all right? I didn't see you before landing, I thought you didn't follow!"

Well now, everyone is here.

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