Just when those leaves were about to attack, they suddenly hit a transparent barrier and fell to the ground one after another.

Ye Mao suddenly remembered that when she and Bei Mingcang were about to leave, they also encountered this barrier.

So, this barrier was set up by Kong Xuan? !

The wild cat quickly looked at Kong Xuan beside him, but he didn't expect Kong Xuan to hug the wild cat, and exclaimed in an extremely exaggerated way:

"Oh my... the slave family is so scared! Concubine Ai, you have to protect the slave family!" [

The wild cat has a black thread.

"Let go of the princess!"

Lie Feng said angrily.

"Golden Wolf, here we come!"

Bei Mingcang said suddenly, with a solemn expression.

The wind in the forest stopped, and there was an eerie silence.

Bei Mingcang knew that Kong Xuan had no hostility towards wild cats at the moment, so he let it go temporarily.

Anyway, afterward, he also planned to cut off all the places where Kong Xuan touched the wild cat.

What is more important now is to deal with this group of sudden attacks.

Suddenly, the earth began to shake again, and the roaring sound reappeared.

Countless black shadows appeared in the forest, with different sizes and races. Everyone had red eyes and weapons in their hands. They looked...very unfriendly!

The wild cat bit its lower lip, and silently transformed the bracelet into a second form.

Having been attacked three times, the wild cat knew this time that the group of people attacked was the same as the previous three times.

Then, these people must have been instigated by others.

Why, do they know where they are?

The wild cat intuitively discovered that there must be something tricky hidden in it.

It was just the scene in front of her that made her unable to think so much.

"There she is!"

I don't know who said something in the shadow, and everyone's eyes turned to the wild cat. [

The wild cat was horrified to find that each of them looked at him with red eyes, excited and greedy.

"is her!"

"It's that little cat!"


"Eat her!"

"Get her inner alchemy!"

"You can get the power of the demon king!"


Every monster looked at the wild cat with red eyes, as if wanting to eat her.

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