A soft ray of light fell from Mier's crystal rod, enveloping Kong Xuan's whole body in that soft radiance.

After a while, Kong Xuan, who looked pale at first, slowly recovered his original expression, and the pain on his body disappeared.

Honey retracted the crystal wand, and then flew to the side of the wild cat:

"Master, master, I'm cured!"

That way, it's almost like a child who wants to be rewarded. [

"Yeah, Mi'er is so good!"

The wild cat rubbed her face and said with a smile:

"Then ask Mier to come out next time!"

"Well, goodbye master, master must remember Mier!"

After Mi'er finished speaking, it immediately turned into a ball of white light and returned to the wild cat's wrist.

Bei Mingcang twitched his eyebrows, looked at the wild cat, sighed, and took the wild cat into his arms.

"Then let's wait until the night of the full moon!"

This woman, really, changed some things and was similar to herself.

That miniature version of Mi'er is simply a copy of this woman.

"Aifei, Aifei, you are amazing! Who is that little girl? So cute!"

Kong Xuan looked at his body miraculously, not only did he not feel any pain at all, but he was also refreshed, and all the fatigue disappeared.

"That one, it's called Mi'er, she can heal pain."

Wildcat found that after getting the new spirit stone, his strength really increased a lot.

Although it was said that Mier performed the healing technique, it was actually based on her own mana.

In the past, performing healing techniques required a lot of mana, and she would always be unable to do so, but now, she found that she was not tired at all.

This can be regarded as my own progress.

In the future, she can also help everyone.

"Woman, go!"

Seeing Kong Xuan getting so close to the wild cat all of a sudden, Bei Mingcang was upset again, and he was about to leave with the wild cat. [

"Eh? Where are you going? Didn't Jiujiu say to wait until the night of the full moon?"

Wildcat asked curiously.

"Anyway, don't stay here!"

The customs of the Feiyu clan were too strange and too enthusiastic, and he worried that if he didn't notice, this woman would be tricked away by others.

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