Such a condescending appearance is almost like retreating from Beiming.

Wu Liyang is shooting himself in the foot this time!

Bei Mingcang watched the wild cat completely drunk and mad, and couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching.

Tell this woman not to drink, she still wants to drink!

The wild cat stepped on Wu Liyang on the ground, and stepped on it hard again, opened his eyes in a daze, and said unconsciously: [

"The floor is so soft, but why is it so cold?"

The wild cat said suspiciously, and walked directly over Wu Liyang's body with the wine glass.

Wu Liyang was trampled on the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

This time, it finally suffered.

Seeing you still flirt with wild cats in the future!

Holding the wine glass, the wild cat stumbled, and suddenly saw Mandala sitting gracefully aside, she grinned, and fell towards the mandala.

When Mandala saw it, he quickly caught the wild cat.

Wildcat's wrist touched Mandala's fingers, and he felt a strong reaction from the bracelet.

The wild cat raised its hand bewilderedly, looked at the red light on the bracelet, looked at the mandala puzzledly and said:

"It's so strange! This bracelet must be drunk too! Otherwise, why would you react when you encounter a mandala? You only react when you encounter a spirit stone!"

When Mandala heard it, his expression suddenly became a little abnormal.

"However, it doesn't matter, I'm here to drink with Mandala! By the way, what I want to say is, Mandala, your moves are so handsome! The petals are all over the sky, so beautiful!"

The wild cat was smiling, her face was as red as an apple, and her eyes became brighter because she was drunk.

Especially the red lips, people have the urge to bow their heads and kiss Fangze.

"Princess, do you like to watch it? Then I will show it to the princess!"

The mandala said, waved his hand, and in an instant, all the flowers flying in the sky were petals.

There are numerous, pink petals, mixed with a faint fragrance.

The wild cat stared blankly at the petals, and suddenly burst into tears.

Once, she made an appointment with Huo'er, and after she was admitted to university, she went to the Flower City to see the most beautiful flowers. [


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