Charming Demon King Palace: This concubine is very charming and cute

Chapter 490: Beimingcang, a different kind of protection!

It's just that she now realizes that Bei Mingcang is actually protecting her in his own way.

With a sweet heart, Ye Mao stretched out his hand and held Bei Mingcang's hand tightly, wanting to pass on his touch to him.

Bei Mingcang felt the wild cat's clenched hand, looked down at the wild cat, and then asked:

"Ni, let the fart go! Finish talking and get the hell out!"

"Master Demon King really makes Ni feel sad! With the princess, you will forget about our subordinates who were born and died, hey!" [

Ni said pretending to be sad.

Bei Mingcang raised his eyebrows, and the black sword stabbed towards Ni.

Hong took a look, pulled Ni up, and left the place.

"Ni, the devil king is angry! Didn't you hear what the princess said? The devil king is very stingy!"

Hong said what the wild cat said just now with no expression on his face.

But this kind of ridicule made the wild cat burst out laughing.

Even though he heard the shocking news, the wild cat still couldn't help laughing.

It's not that she doesn't have a sense of crisis, but that she feels at ease by Bei Mingcang's side.

"It seems that you really want to die!"

Bei Mingcang discovered that it was because he had been asleep for 500 years that these subordinates became less and less disciplined.

"Don't be afraid, Hong, with Wangfei here, the king won't do anything to us! Right, Wangfei!"

Ni looked at the wild cat fearlessly and said.

When the wild cat heard this, he pulled down the sword in Bei Mingcang's hand and said:

"Jiujiu, they have been helping me all the time, and helped me deal with the monsters who came to attack me, so we should thank them!"


Bei Mingcang snorted coldly, then withdrew his sword.

When Ni saw it, her eyes were filled with admiration:

"Princess, please! Please, for the happiness of our thousands of demons, you must be our princess!"

Because this was the first time Ni saw the Demon King pampering a woman so much, listening to a woman so much. [

If the wild cat becomes their princess, then the demon clan will become a paradise from now on.

"Ahem..." The wild cat looked embarrassed, so it could only continue to ask: "What happens after that?"

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