Charming Demon King Palace: This concubine is very charming and cute

Chapter 503: Cooperate and defend against the enemy together!

Xiao Fu returned to her original state and stood there with a smile on her lips.

The group of Taoists clearly saw the approaching pack of wolves.

"Cunning evildoer!"

The old Taoist frowned, cursed in a low voice, and then waved his whisk to face the attacking wolves.


Several Taoist priests had to stop the formation in their hands because of the attack of the wolves.

Countless wolves attacked, causing loopholes in the originally perfect formation, and it disintegrated in an instant.

And the people here don't waste their efforts at all.

Of course, it was still hard work.

Bei Mingcang saw that a ball of golden light gathered in his hand, and he was about to use the move of total destruction, but the wild cat grabbed Bei Mingcang's hand at a critical moment.

The wild cat looked at the direction of the wind, and it happened to be heading towards the group of Taoist priests. She turned her head and said to the mandala beside her:

"Mandala, please!"

"Princess's request, Mandala is very happy!"

Mandala smiled softly at the wild cat, and then a cloud of black air emerged from his body, and the group of Taoist priests fighting the wolves appeared with the wind.

The scent of mandala flowers came, and those who smelled it had almost no room to resist, and fell to the ground without making a sound.

On the opposite side, both the wolves and the Taoist priests fell to the ground one after another.

"Mandala, you—"

Xiao Fu saw those wolves fell to the ground, and immediately wanted to stop him.

Because although these are wolves from the human world, they are still Xiaofu's kind.

"Don't worry, I just passed out!"

Mandala glanced at Xiaofu and said.

"Better this way!"

Xiao Fu looked at the mandala, was taken aback for a moment, and then replied in a cold voice.

After a while, the wolves and the Taoist priests surrounding them all fell down. [

Only the white-haired old Taoist still struggled to support himself, flicked his whisk, looked at Ye Mao and the others and said:

"The old Tao will never let you go to harm the world!"

The wild cat sighed, shook his head, and with a movement of his finger, an anesthesia bullet was shot at the old man.

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