Most importantly, don't feed yourself earthworms and bugs!

Wu Liyang, who has always bullied wild cats, finally experienced the feeling of being bullied for the first time in her life.

Really, very upset!

No wonder he couldn't even recover his human form, it turned out that this boy sealed his power.

Now, how is he going to find that kitten? [

"Brother, brother, what's wrong with the little snake? Why isn't it awake?"

Xiangxiang looked at Wu Liyang, who had her eyes closed, and asked worriedly.

"Xiangxiang don't worry, the little snake is just tired, so he needs to sleep for a while! Xiangxiang can help the little snake prepare food!"

The boy's warm and clear voice sounded again.

"But little snakes don't eat earthworms!"

Xiangxiang was in a dilemma for a while.

"The little snake will eat whatever we eat, understand?"

The boy's warm big hand gently patted the little girl's shoulder and said.

"Oh, Xiangxiang knows!"

After the little girl finished speaking, she turned around and ran out.

The boy looked at Wu Liyang who was sleeping in the fur:

"If you're not afraid of freezing again in the wind and snow, it's okay to leave!"

After the boy finished speaking, he turned and left the room.

Only then did Wu Liyang open his eyes.

His majestic young master of the snake clan was reduced to being bullied by a half-demon one day!

This revenge must be avenged!

Because he is the stingy young master of the snake clan!


In this winter, the snakes in the human world have also hibernated. Where can he find support? [

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Kong Xuanfei went up to the sky to check around, and then flew back quickly.

"How?! Have you found Wu Liyang?"

Wildcat asked eagerly.

"Oh, my family braved the wind and snow so hard to find the news. My concubine doesn't care about others, but cares about that beautiful boy who disappeared. This makes my family really sad!"

With an injured face, Kong Xuan took the opportunity to lean on the wild cat.

As a result, just as he leaned over, Bei Mingcang picked him up:

"Damn peacock, get to the point!"

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