"Let's go too!"

As Mandala spoke, he pinched his hands and drew clouds and mist, and stood up.

Xiao Fu looked at him without moving, Mandala frowned, pulled Xiao Fu up into the clouds and chased in the direction of the wild cats and the others.

"Hey, Young Master Flower Demon, can I ask you a question?"

Xiao Fu asked while standing behind the mandala. [


Mandala didn't look back, and concentrated on chasing the wild cat in the direction of the cloud and mist.

"You, why are you following that useless princess?"

Xiaofu didn't understand why these people were willing to hang around that princess.

Brother is like this. In the past, the princess was in love with him anyway, but now the princess has clearly taken refuge in the arms of another man, but he still swears to the death.

The same is true for brother Ziqiu, who even shattered the inner alchemy for her.

The imperial husband of unknown origin also protected her tightly.

But in her eyes, she didn't seem to have done anything useful other than causing trouble.

Why are these people so flocking to it?

"Why are you following me?"

Mandala did not answer, but asked rhetorically.

"It's not because you took my inner alchemy..."

As Xiaofu said, she suddenly opened her mouth in shock:

"Could it be that your inner alchemy was also taken away by her?"

"I think, what was taken away was not my inner alchemy, but my heart!"

As Mandala spoke, his eyes became deeper.

The first time she created the illusion that they were going to bed, the princess was helpless. She knew she had a purpose, but she was still willing to take responsibility.

The second time, the princess had clearly reached her limit, but she refused to let herself touch her, just because her reason was that she didn't want to make herself regret it, and she said she wasn't worth it.

At that time, when Mandala heard such words, his heart twitched fiercely, and then became soft. [

If I had to say it, I might have lost my heart at that time.

It was only at that time, in that scene, that someone said that sentence, which warmed his heart.

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