As the child spoke, he kept coughing, his breathing became more and more rapid, and his face was flushed.

The wild cat knew that the child had caught a cold.

She suddenly rang, once she had a cold, her parents cared for her meticulously, and her eyes were a little sore.

"They won't catch the cold, how about we send them home to sleep together?"

The wild cat stepped forward and said with a smile. [

The little boy looked up and looked at them with puzzled eyes, then said:

"You guys, are you monsters?"

The wild cat was taken aback, and was about to deny it, but heard the little boy say:

"Because your eyes and hair are so strange. Like Brother Xuan, my parents said that Brother Xuan's eyes are different from ours, he is a monster. Are you too?"

It was only then that the wild cat realized that she had heard the village chief talking about the monster in the north from just now.

But before Kong Xuan went to investigate and said that there lived a family of hunters, with a beautiful boy and a little girl.

So the so-called beautiful boy and little girl, could they be demons?

There are demons here?

So, is this enchantment actually used to guard against that beautiful boy and little girl in the north?

"You are demons, but you are not bad people, are you? Because brother Xuan is actually not a bad person either!"

The little boy looked at the wild cat and asked with his eyes wide open. His eyes were clear, unlike others with hatred and disgust.

"Yes! We are demons, but we are not bad people! I will help you send them home, and then help you treat their illnesses. In exchange, can you tell me about Brother Xuan?"

Ye Mao felt that these villagers hated monsters so much, it must have something to do with that boy.

"it is good!"

The little boy smiled.

"Women! Trouble!"

Bei Mingcang snorted coldly, this woman always does unnecessary things.

"Jiujiu, help me!"

The wild cat shook Bei Mingcang's hand, and said flatteringly. [


Bei Mingcang snorted coldly, but raised his hand, a golden light shot out from his hand, and then enveloped everyone, and the next moment, these people disappeared.

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