In the Orion House on the north side of the mountain, Yu Wenxuan was chopping firewood, while Wu Liyang was placed by the fire, and Xiangxiang fed the dried meat mouthful by mouthful.

He suddenly discovered that, in fact, life as a pet is not bad.

Warm, comfortable and let people want to sigh.

There is nothing to do but don't want to do, and there is no need to worry about things in the clan, which is very comfortable.

At this moment, the wind and snow outside had not stopped yet, Yu Wenxuan who was chopping firewood suddenly straightened up, looking cautiously into the wind and snow. [

"Xiangxiang, hide!"

Yu Wenxuan's voice came from outside the house. When Xiangxiang heard it, the jerky in his hand fell to the ground in fright.

Wu Liyang could see that the little girl was very scared.

"Little snake, don't be afraid, Xiangxiang will protect you! I won't let the people in the village hurt you!"

After finishing speaking, she picked up Wu Liyang, lifted the floor, and hid inside.

At a young age, his movements are quite skillful.

Wu Liyang was puzzled for a while, could it be that they are often attacked by others?

But according to the strength of that half-demon boy, ordinary humans should not be opponents.

"Show yourself!"

As soon as Yu Wenxuan stretched out his hand, a white jade bow appeared in his hand.

There is no arrow on the bow, but when the string is pulled, a bare arrow appears on the bow.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Mao and others appeared in front of him.

"A demon again?!"

Yu Wenxuan frowned.

"Sorry, we have no malicious intentions, we are just here to find someone!"

The wild cat fell to the ground and hurried forward and said.


Yu Wenxuan asked cautiously.

Ye Mao looked at the young man in front of him. He had a handsome face and an extraordinary temperament. One black eye was full of caution, and the other was covered by hair. [

He should be the half-demon boy.

"A snake demon! I don't know if this young master has seen it before?"

Wildcat has always maintained a humble and polite attitude.

She believes that only if you treat others with sincerity first, can others treat you with sincerity.

Yu Wenxuan frowned, is that snake in the house?

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