When they saw it, they rushed over and blocked the wild cat.

Bei Mingcang even pulled the wild cat into his arms.

The wild cat was panting. Although her mana had improved rapidly, it was too much for her to continue fighting like this.

But seeing that they wanted to hurt Yu Wenxuan, she couldn't help feeling angry.

"Step aside!"[

It was the first time for Ye Mao to speak in such a strong tone. She pulled Bei Mingcang's hand away, and then pushed away the people in front of her, and stood in front, looking at the old man, her eyes widened angrily.

"People in the world say that there is love in the world. When we come to the world, we are misled by others. But what is the love you are talking about? In my opinion, you are not even more sentient than monsters.

You said we shouldn't hurt others, so what right do you have to hurt us?All living beings are equal, so what right do you have to end the lives of others?

What he asked for was to live his life in peace, what we asked for was to save the life of our most important companion.

But you... have hurt him time and time again.Where is your love? ! "

The wild cat looked at the old Taoist in front of him, looked at the Taoist priest standing behind the old Taoist, and said word by word.

Mood, especially sad.

"Monster, talk nonsense! In the past, you didn't hurt people, and the old man let you go in class, but today you hurt so many people, how could the old man let you go!"

As the old Taoist said, he waved his whisk and shouted:


On the side, Yu Wenxuan, who had turned into a prototype, bared his teeth, his eyes were blood red, and all his hair stood on end.

Yemao looked at the old man in front of him and felt infinite sadness in his heart.

She thought that she was entrusted with the responsibility of revitalizing the Yaozu, not only to make herself strong, not only to lead the Yaozu to be strong, but more importantly, to make all Yaozu people have a sense of belonging.

Let all the Yaozu people have a place to laugh, that is the real revitalization of the Yaozu.

She should be protecting everyone, not being protected all the time.

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