Charming Demon King Palace: This concubine is very charming and cute

Chapter 537 : What greeted them was an army of monsters!

Looking at the dilapidated house, looking at Xiangxiang who was holding Wu Liyang in the cold wind and asked timidly, "Where's brother?", the wild cat felt extremely heavy.

The most important thing now is to go back quickly.

Because of Yu Wenxuan's appearance, it will definitely cause chaos among the monster race that was already undercurrent.

"Let's go back!"

Wildcat said with firm eyes. [

She wanted to find out who the man in the gray robe with the mask was and what purpose he had.

"Xiangxiang, sister will take you to find brother, will you go?"

Yemao looked at Xiangxiang, knelt down and asked.

Xiangxiang looked at the wild cat, then nodded, and continued:

"Can the little snake go too?"

Looking at the drowsy Wu Liyang in her arms, Ye Mao nodded:

"Of course!"

"it is good!"

Xiangxiang nodded.

It took only one day for a group of people to arrive in the human world, and such a big event happened.

Soon, everyone opened the gate to the Yaozu again, passed through the gate, and returned to the Yaozu.

Then when she returned to Yaozu, she realized that there were more things waiting for her here.

As soon as they walked out of the gate of the human world, what greeted Ye Mao and the others was not Gale, not Xuan Xiao, but a dark mass of monsters.


When Xiangxiang saw it, he yelled in fright, and was immediately picked up by someone.

It was Wu Liyang who became normal after returning to the Yaozu.

Looking at Wu Liyang's amber eyes, Xiangxiang asked uncertainly:

"Are you a little snake?!"

Wu Liyang's face darkened: [

"Humans, remember, I am the young master of the snake clan!"

"You are really a little snake!"

Xiangxiang happily hugged Wu Liyang's neck, extremely happy.

Seeing this scene, the wild cat couldn't help showing a smirk.

Wu Liyang, Wu Liyang, let me see how you deal with a child.

It's gone!

"Xiaomaomao, I have helped you a lot, remember to repay him! Why don't we get married after the monsters here are dealt with. Xiaomaomao still owes me a wedding night!"


Cough cough, someone asked SM is a magic horse...

Keke, hard to explain...

Please ask Baidu if you don’t understand!

Ask Baidu about foreign affairs, ask Google about internal affairs, as for intercourse...

Then ask TX!

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