Night came amidst the restlessness of the crowd.

Everyone turned into a tent on the spot and rested in the tent.

The wild cat still lived with the domineering Bei Mingcang, but Bei Mingcang went to give orders to everyone in the demon clan.

The wild cat was sitting in the tent, and suddenly felt a fever in her waist. She felt it strangely, and suddenly touched something.

Looking down, it turned out to be the jade pendant that Gu Yue smiled and changed before she left. [

Gu Yue said with a smile that when she was in danger, this jade pendant would protect herself instead of him.

I don't know what happened to him?

The wild cat was holding the jade pendant, and suddenly the jade pendant glowed.

After the light, Gu Yue's smiling figure appeared in front of the wild cat.

The wild cat was stunned, looking at Gu Yue who was in front of him with a slight smile, he couldn't react for a long time.

"Brother Gu Yue?! You... came out?!"

The wild cat looked at the warm smile on Gu Yue's smiling face in astonishment, and felt that his nose was sore.

For so long, I really want to talk to him.

"Stupid Miaomiao, this is the Soul Leaving Technique! I can temporarily leave my body and appear beside Miaomiao. Miaomiao has grown up and become more beautiful. She must have encountered many things!"

Gu Yue smiled, stepped forward and rubbed the wild cat's hair.

That familiar and warm movement made the wild cat's nose sour and its eyes red.

"Brother Gu Yue... Thank you!"

The wild cat looked up, showing a smile.

In front of Gu Yue's smile, it seems that she never needs to say anything, Gu Yue will know it with a smile, and then she will say a lot of words of encouragement to make herself full of motivation again.


Yemao nodded, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and told Gu Yue all the things along the way with a smile.

"Brother Gu Yue, tell me, do I have a chance to win them? Can we not start a war? I don't want countless people to lose their lives because of such inexplicable things."

Once there is a war between the new king's faction and his own faction, it will be devastated.

She thought of the battlefield 500 years ago that Bei Mingcang took her to see, how sad it was. [

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