As soon as she pinched her hands, she was about to take back the inner alchemy, but Gu Yue smiled a step faster than her, and grabbed the wild cat's inner alchemy in her hand.

Ye Mao, who had lost his inner alchemy, suddenly felt empty, and an uncontrollable pain came from the bottom of his heart.

She was in so much pain that her eyes almost went black.

"Brother Gu Yue, what are you going to do?!"

Looking at Gu Yue's cold and smiling face, Ye Mao asked in pain as he stood in the sky with a deity-like demeanor. [

Why did he want to grab his inner alchemy? !

Why is she in such pain!

"Don't Miaomiao know? Your seal was actually made by me! The purpose is to get your power today!"

Gu Yue smiled lightly, as if she had changed into a different person.

The voice has not changed, the appearance has not changed, but the person seems to have changed.


The wild cat looked at Gu Yue in astonishment and smiled.


Isn't he nice to someone like this?

The first encouragement, the first generation of courage, the first time to bravely face difficulties are all encouraged by Gu Yue's smile.

His big warm hands always like to rub his hair, and his warm smile always encourages the frustrated her again and again.

"You are a descendant of the Demon King, and you represent the dignity of the Demon King!"

"Miaomiao is really amazing!"

"I'm waiting for Miaomiao to come and save me!"


The scenes of getting along, every sentence flashed in my mind.


Why is it that people who feel like elders want to kill themselves in the end? !

"If you want to blame, you can only blame your father, the demon king wants to grab something from me! He is just a king of the demon world, why should he compete with me as a god? [

And that dragon girl actually fell in love with the demon king, not me!No matter how I treat her, she can't see anything good about me! "

Gu Yue's light smile turned cold.

The wild cat held back the pain, looked at Gu Yue and smiled, as if he understood a little.

"I planned the conflict between the demon king and Bei Mingcang, let Bei Mingcang degenerate into a demon overnight, and led the demon clan to fight against the demon clan, in order to hurt both sides, and in order to benefit from the fisherman!!"

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