Bei Mingcang attacked her? !

The wild cat looked at Bei Mingcang in astonishment:

"Nine nine?!"

"Demon King?!"

Neon and Sanyan also looked at Beimingcang strangely. [

Bei Mingcang stood up, looked down at the wild cat on the ground, frowned, and said a word coldly:


That tone, so cold, so strange!

Ye Mao's heart froze, and he looked at Bei Mingcang in disbelief.

The strange and cold emotion in his eyes was as if he had never known himself before!

The pain spread from the bottom of my heart!

"Jiujiu, I'm a cat!"

The wild cat stood up from the ground, looked at Bei Mingcang, and said in astonishment.

"Maomao?! Want to have a relationship with me?!"

Bei Mingcang lifted the wild cat's chin with one hand, and his tone was cold and cruel:

"Want to be my king's woman? Let's see if you have the skills!"

"Demon King..."

Everyone looked at Beimingcang, almost in disbelief.

Only then did Mandala and the others understand Bei Mingcang's identity.

So he is the demon king who was sealed 500 years ago? !

And Nihong looked at Beimingcang and then at the wild cat, and shook his head.

This Demon King is the Demon King before the seal.

Ruthless, merciless, warlike!

It's no longer the demon king who can show a gentle smile and don't kill innocent people indiscriminately. [


Already forgot about wildcats!

Because he lost half of the inner alchemy, he had completely forgotten what happened after waking up.


Bei Mingcang raised his head, and laughed long and loudly, shaking the whole earth. Birds and beasts fled one after another, because the laughter was too insolent, because there was a terrifying power in that laughter.

And Bei Mingcang no longer deliberately suppressed his own power, but spread all the power unscrupulously.

The creatures who felt this power all trembled.

And the demons who felt this power were extremely rejoiced.

They all gathered quickly, and quickly gathered in the direction of Beimingcang.

The black devilish energy in the sky made the whole earth change.


Lanlan: I said that prostitutes are full of hope, but in fact, I just advise everyone not to be too sad because of Wu Liyang's disappearance... Don't think too much about it.

Everyone: Anger! (Eggs and tomatoes are flying...)

Lanlan: That's great, we can have tomato scrambled eggs tonight!

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