"Master Demon King?!" That is, his own father?

Then, he knew about Gu Yue's smile, so he told himself in the dream that he should stay away from Gu Yue's smile.


It's too late now.

"Where's Wu Liyang?"

Didn't he leave with Mandala?

Mandala has come back, but Wu Liyang hasn't come back yet.

"Young Master Wu..."

Everyone was silent.

"What's wrong?!"

The wild cat was in a hurry and asked quickly.

"He said that he would stay in person as an internal response, so this time there is no way to go with the princess to find the spirit stone. We will protect the princess instead of him!"

Or, the current princess no longer needs the protection of others.

Because the wild cat now has half of Bei Mingcang's mana, and his power is already higher than any of them.

Looking at her now more beautiful face than anyone else, you can tell that now everyone here is no match for the wild cat.


Wildcat listened to their answers and nodded, not wanting to think too much.

However, I always feel as if some important person or important thing has left me.

Why do you feel this way?

Is it because Bei Mingcang, who has been relying on for a long time, left?

The wild cat found out that she only noticed at this moment that she had always been relying on Bei Mingcang, and had been acting like a baby to Bei Mingcang.

Now, she is alone!

Now that Bei Mingcang left, Ye Mao remembered how good Bei Mingcang had been to him.

The first time they met, she accidentally fell on him, and he said to her: [

Woman, concubine or maid, you choose one!

She accidentally learned the holy name of Beimingcang, so that the arrogant and ruthless demon king stayed by her side.

"Woman, do you want me to be your imperial husband? Yes, let's go to the bridal chamber now!"

"Woman, your wish will come true for you!"

"You are my king's woman!"

"This king wants you!"

"Maomao, I like you!"


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