Charming Demon King Palace: This concubine is very charming and cute

Chapter 569: Do you want to let the tragedy repeat itself? !

"Wang, a small number of sacrifices are for the happiness of more people! The king doesn't want the tragedy in the human world to repeat itself. The king wants to protect the most important people around him, right?"

The man in the gray mask said in front of Yu Wenxuan.

Upon hearing this, Yu Wenxuan fell silent.

He frowned for a long time, then raised his head and said:

"I see!"[

"The king is better than the princess, and he is more suitable to be the king of the monster clan! So, please have confidence in yourself!"

The gray masked man said.

"is it?"

No, he is actually no match for her.

Yu Wenxuan knew that he was far behind her.

If it is compared to power, compared to mana, his mana is indeed stronger than the wild cat.

(The wild cat has not yet obtained half of the inner alchemy of Bei Mingcang)

However, if he really wanted anything else, he knew very well that he was no match for a wild cat.

Because there is a layer of halo on her body, maybe she didn't notice that layer of halo, but Yu Wenxuan did.

That is a kind of halo that can attract others, make them like her, and desperately for her.

Her strength may not be that strong, but she can attract the most powerful person to give everything for her.

In fact, what matters to a king is not how strong he is, but the influence that can make the strong bow down for him.

This one, Wildcats have!

Because there are a group of the best people around her!

And this, I don't have it!

Because he has always been alone!

Because he is a half-demon!

Not humans, not demons!

----------------------- Hello everyone, I am the scene dividing line again ------------------ ----------[

Elder Wu came out of Yu Wenxuan's room angrily, and walked towards his own room.

"Have you not contacted Wu Liyang?"

In the room, Elder Wu asked angrily.

"No...Young Master Wu... seems to have lost his breath, and we have tried everything we can to get in touch with him!"

The entourage around said.

"Hmph! Useless rice bucket!"

Elder Wu scolded angrily.

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