Then seeing Ni not far away was waving towards her, she quickly ran over in small steps.

"Ni, what's the matter?"

Seeing that the neon lights were all there, the wild cat couldn't help asking.

These days, Neon has really helped me a lot.

Of course, Neon is also quite willing to help. [

Because there are wild cats by Bei Mingcang's side, no matter what the reason is, Bei Mingcang has changed a lot.

At least he didn't get angry casually, and didn't kill people casually. In the past, if he was not careful, he would offend him and lose his life at any time.

Therefore, the demons were very repulsive to wild cats at first.

But seeing the wild cats by Beimingcang's side, the demon king lost his temper less and less, and he didn't kill people anymore, so he gradually fell in love with wild cats.

"That... the king hasn't recovered his memory yet?"

Ni asked.

When the wild cat heard it, he looked a little sad, and then nodded.

These days, no matter how she expressly hinted, Bei Mingcang showed no sign at all.

She was always looking for opportunities to chat with him, and occasionally talked about their days together, but Bei Mingcang always didn't respond at all, with an irritable expression on his face.


Wildcat sighed.

"So, Hong and I have thought of a way, do you think it will work?"

Ni hurriedly said in front of the wild cat.

"any solution?"

The wild cat's eyes lit up and asked quickly.

"In this way, you tell us how you met and got along with the devil, and we, find a chance to reappear in front of the devil! You see the reappearance of the old scene, it will definitely remind the king!"

Ni said quickly.

"I don't hold out hope!"

Hong said with a blank expression on the side. [

"is this OK?"

The wild cat frowned, but his heart moved.

"Try it, and then you'll know!"

Ni said quickly.

"Okay! I tell you!"

Ye Mao nodded, and then she was going to tell Ni about the process of her encounter with Bei Mingcang.

No matter what method she will try.

Just for Jiujiu to come back.

"Woman, what are you doing?!"

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