She wants to cry so much!

I want to laugh again!

Because Bei Mingcang kissed her again!

Is happiness the feeling of wanting to cry and laugh at the same time?

Suddenly, Bei Mingcang let go of the wild cat, as if it had been interrupted suddenly. [

The wild cat froze, looked at Bei Mingcang in confusion, and left Bei Mingcang's lips, the wild cat suddenly felt a sense of loss.

And Bei Mingcang found that when he kissed those sweet lips, there was a kind of nostalgia, a kind of greed, and he didn't want to let go.

But I don't know why, a kind of worry suddenly surged in his heart, and that worry made him stop the kiss suddenly, and then looked straight at the wild cat, to make sure that the wild cat was fine.

Suddenly, he became extremely irritable again, and pushed the wild cat away.

Why did he suddenly feel worried, as if worried that the woman in front of him would disappear? !

"Nine nine..."

The wild cat froze for a moment, then his eyes dimmed, and he still didn't remember.

"Very good, you didn't lie to me! This king is really much better! This king is waiting for the day when he recovers, I hope you hurry up! Then I don't have to abstain from sex!"

After finishing speaking, Bei Mingcang turned around and left, heading towards his room, leaving the wild cat alone, with tears streaming down his face.

It turned out that he was just using himself as a guinea pig to test whether the injury was getting better.

Why, you still haven't remembered?

Remember the memories that belong to us!


She won't give up!

It doesn't matter even if he can't remember, just let him fall in love with himself again.


Ni's voice suddenly sounded faintly, and the wild cat froze. Could it be that it was seen just now?

Sure enough, when I turned around, I saw Ni had an ambiguous look on her face.

"Hey, Wang, I will remember it someday!" [

Ni winked at the wild cat.


The wild cat smiled and nodded, full of confidence in his heart!

I will remember it someday!

Afterwards, the wild cat would still go to treat Bei Mingcang every day, but every time after being treated with Mier, Bei Mingcang would pounce on the wild cat, kiss her until she was muddled, and then stop suddenly.

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