The wild cat struggled to push Bei Mingcang away, but Bei Mingcang imprisoned her even tighter, and the demands in his mouth became wilder.

"Jiujiu...let go of me...don't..."

The wild cat struggled to make a sound.

However, such a sentence is like a catalyst, directly igniting Wu Liyang's last bit of reason.

Bei Mingcang imprisoned the wild cat even tighter, kissed more deeply, and tore the wild cat's clothes with his hands. [

Under such a wild and domineering kiss, the wild cat stretched out his hand to resist, but suddenly touched a cold and hard chest.

The wild cat opened its eyes suddenly, and looked at Bei Mingcang covering him in astonishment. A strange change was taking place on his body!

The chest that was originally radiant and strong, has slowly been covered with black scales...

And the scales are gradually spreading upwards, gradually covering his whole body, the ears are gradually becoming sharper, and there are even looming dragon horns appearing on his head.

The wild cat was completely frightened by the scene in front of her. She intuitively found that such a change must be abnormal.

It seems that something terrible is about to happen!

In a hurry, the wild cat reached out and hugged Bei Mingcang's waist, stroked it gently, and took the initiative to stick itself to Bei Mingcang, and then began to respond to that overbearing and merciless kiss.

He wanted to appease Bei Mingcang's out-of-control emotions at the moment.

The warmth from the wild cat and the sweetness from the lips brought Bei Mingcang, who was on the verge of losing control, to his senses.

Looking at the wild cat that was tightly attached to him and responded to his kiss, he realized that he was almost in a demonized state just now.

This woman can actually make him demonized!

The last demonization was 500 years ago.

Bei Mingcang's movements softened, and he tasted the fishy sweet taste in his mouth. Only then did he realize that he had hurt her just now.


His heart was full of annoyance, and then he left the wild cat's lips with great effort.

Wild Cat's originally ruddy lips were already swollen from the kiss, but she didn't care about this at all.

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