In the sea of ​​flowers, I love you! (1)

"Woman, who do you call an idiot?!"

Suddenly, a cold and haughty voice sounded from behind.

The wild cat froze for a moment, then froze all over, but she didn't turn her head back, but just covered her chest and said in a low voice:

"Master Demon King, you should call me a cat demon, I am more used to it!" [

When Bei Mingcang heard this, fear actually rose in his heart.

He turned the wild cat with its back to him, and then roared:

"No! This king will call you that! I will call you that!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he lowered his head and kissed the wild cat's lips fiercely again.

The wild cat resisted vigorously, beating Bei Mingcang desperately.

She didn't want to be robbed of her soul by Bei Mingcang again, she couldn't keep any dignity.

But Bei Mingcang held the wild cat tightly in his arms, and kissed her so passionately.

Domineering and wild, but unlike the previous kiss, it was extremely cold.

In this kiss, there is a strong emotion, like a volcano erupting, gushing out.

"My king doesn't want you to go!"

Panting for breath, Bei Mingcang whispered these words in the wild cat's ear.

The wild cat was stunned for a moment, forgetting to resist, and was pushed to the ground by Bei Mingcang the next moment.

Bei Mingcang hugged her and rolled several times in the sea of ​​flowers.

Grind out a piece of flat ground in the sea of ​​flowers.

Bei Mingcang turned over, pressed on the wild cat's body, lowered his head, and kissed the wild cat's lips again.

This one, this kiss, is so tender and lingering.

Bei Mingcang held the wild cat's face as if he was holding a treasure. This feeling made him feel that he once regarded the people under him as treasures.

why? !

He'd never been in love with anyone, never had this cherished feeling for anyone. [

At this moment, facing this strange yet seemingly familiar little thing, my heart aches.

My heart seems to be empty.

When Bei Mingcang said that she didn't want you to leave, the wild cat found that all the defenses in her heart had collapsed.

In the end, she still couldn't be cruel to Bei Mingcang.

Especially when Bei Mingcang's second kiss came so gently, she completely gave up resistance and let her emotions dominate her consciousness.

Pain, spreading in the bottom of my heart.

Eyes, so sore, tears, really want to flow out.

Bei Mingcang once kissed herself so tenderly!

However, he forgot!

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