I love you! (3)

The wild cat hugged Bei Mingcang, but turned over, and pressed Bei Mingcang under him for the first time.

Leaving Bei Mingcang's lips, the wild cat stopped the kiss that was about to get out of hand:

"Jiujiu doesn't want to know why your chest hurts?"


This time, their positions were reversed, and Bei Mingcang was crushed under him, but he stretched out his hand and embraced the wild cat.

"That's because... I actually know your holy name!"

The wild cat hesitated, looked at Bei Mingcang anxiously, and finally told the truth.

"So that's it, woman, you are such a bad thing, to torture me like this! Let's see if I don't deal with you well!"

Bei Mingcang suddenly smirked, and turned over again, making the wild cat that turned over and became the master once again become a slave again.

Slave of Beimingcang!

Bei Mingcang turned over and pinned the wild cat under him again.


For a long time, the wild cat hadn't laughed so happily and crisply.

Her smile makes people feel like they can forget all the troubles in the world.

"So... in fact, the performances performed by Neon in this king are all true?"

Looking at the wild cat under him, Bei Mingcang asked with burning eyes.

Wildcat nodded:

"I'm sorry, I caused you to lose half of the inner alchemy!"

"Little fairy, you are so bad, how should I punish you?"

Bei Mingcang looked at the wild cat, and suddenly the emotions in his eyes became extremely deep.

He propped his hands up, tilted his head and looked at the blushing wild cat under him:

"I will punish you to stay by my king's side forever!"


The wild cat didn't know where the strength came from, turned over again, rolled in the sea of ​​flowers, and once again crushed Bei Mingcang's body.

"Why?! Woman, how dare you reject me?! Or do you have an opinion on what I said?!"

Bei Mingcang raised his eyebrows and looked at the wild cat, his tone as arrogant as ever.

How dare you refuse him! !

He had never been so nice to another woman.

"Because there are already many women around Jiujiu, so I won't do it!"

Wildcat pouted.

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Cough cough, the thirteenth update is here today, everyone wash up and sleep, Beng is thinking about it, half of it has been thrown, and the remaining half will continue to be thrown tomorrow!

Guaranteed to be exciting, wow...

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