Charming Demon King Palace: This concubine is very charming and cute

Chapter 617 : The depth of love, the depth of love!

The depth of love, the depth of love! (4)

Xiaofu looked at his smiling face, sighed, and said:

"Mandala, you're an idiot too! Big idiot!"


Mandala withdrew the gloom in her eyes, smiled slightly, turned around, and disappeared at the end of the sea of ​​flowers. [

Xiaofu glanced at the other side of the sea of ​​flowers, then looked at Mandala's disappearing back, then turned around and followed Mandala's pace.

In the sea of ​​flowers, lust was pervasive, and Bei Mingcang couldn't bear it anymore. With a wave of his hand, a ball of golden light flashed, and the clothes that were blocking each other disappeared in an instant.

The wild cat felt a little cold on its body, and slowly opened its eyes. The blue eyes looked at Bei Mingcang in front of him, and said suspiciously:

"Nine nine?!"

"Little fairy... you are so beautiful..."

For a moment, Beimingcang lost his mind because of the beauty of the wild cat's body.

He lowered his head and kissed her lips again.

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(Responding to the imperial court’s call, delete N words... Please imagine for yourself... Don’t blame Lanlan, if you want to blame, blame the person who asked Lanlan to delete it!)

It doesn't work even if it's an edge ball, Lanlan also writes very painfully, hey...

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He looked at the person below him, held her face in his hands, and said in a low voice, but looked at the wild cat with a gentleness he had never had before and asked:

"Little fairy, how are you? Are you ready?"

The wild cat looked at Bei Mingcang with misty eyes, raised its head directly, and kissed Bei Mingcang fiercely, its tail wrapped around Bei Mingcang even tighter.

Bei Mingcang understood that the people under him had already prepared for him.

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(In response to the imperial court's call, the following, the word harmony N... please imagine!)

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Severe pain came! [



The person who screamed loudly was Bei Mingcang!

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