Seeing the state of Mandala at this moment, Xiaofu's heart tightened, and she felt a very uncomfortable feeling. She would never do this to Brother Ziqiu before.

But at this moment, she didn't want Mandala to show such an expression.

With a flash of her figure, Xiaofu had disappeared in place.

--------------------Scene dividing line ----------------------- ----------------

After a day of exhaustion, when the wild cat woke up in bed, it was already late at night. [

Outside the window, the full moon hangs high, and the soft moonlight shines on the bed through the window lattice.

"Woman, what are you thinking?"

Bei Mingcang's voice came from beside him, and the next moment, the wild cat was tightly embraced.

She looked at Bei Mingcang, showed a sweet smile, then turned over and pressed on Bei Mingcang's body.

"Jiujiu, I'm thinking about the mandala."

Wildcat replied honestly.

She didn't know the use of Mandala taking her bracelet, and she didn't know what Mandala was going to do, but at that moment, she didn't stop it.

"Don't think about it!"

Staying in bed with him, dare to think about other men.

As soon as Bei Mingcang raised his eyebrows, he pressed the wild cat under him, his eyes burning.

"But...he is my best friend and my most important family...he has something to do, so I can't ignore it! It's like if something happens to me one day, will Jiujiu ignore it? "

The wild cat fluttered its blue eyes and looked at Bei Mingcang, making Bei Mingcang's heart itch again.

"That's different!"

Bei Mingcang said domineeringly.

"Nine nine..."

The wild cat hugged Bei Mingcang's neck, shaking and acting coquettishly.

Such a pitiful look, such a tender look, made Beimingcang's brows twitch.

Just can't be cruel to her.

"Okay! Jiujiu..." [

The wild cat pouted and continued to act coquettishly.

"Okay! But...don't lean into his arms like last time! Otherwise...this king will kill him!"

Bei Mingcang said domineeringly.

"Eh? Jiujiu, how do you know? Did you follow me last time?"

The wild cat looked at Bei Mingcang in surprise.

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