she really...

do not understand anything!

Xiao Fu is right, she is selfish!

If only she could understand earlier, if she could understand earlier...

Wu Liyang would not die. [


no if...

However, what she can do now is to pull the mandala back.

She can no longer be selfish.

"Tell me about the mandala!"

Ye Mao's heart is still hurting from Wu Liyang's departure, but at this moment, what she wants to do is to prevent Mandala from leaving.

"You are not qualified!"

As Xiaofu said, she shook off the wild cat's hand.

The wild cat caught Xiaofu again, with burning eyes:

"I am qualified!"


Xiaofu looked at the wild cat with a mocking look on her face.

"Because he is my side husband!"

Yemao looked at Xiaofu and said word by word.

When Xiaofu heard this, she bit her lips, her brows were tightly furrowed, her eyes shrank for a while, and her heart throbbed with pain.

Yes, he is the princess' side husband. Speaking of which, he is more qualified than himself.

"Okay, I'll tell you!"

Xiaofu shook off the wild cat's hand, looked at the wild cat, and said word by word.

------------------------ I am the scene dividing line --------------------- ------------------[

Mandala stood at the junction of the demon world and the demon world, letting the wind blow his long hair, melting his whole body into the black night, it seemed that the black was more pure.

Now he doesn't know how to turn back.

"Why, do you want to go back alone first?"

The voice of the wild cat suddenly appeared behind Mandala.

Mandala looked back in astonishment, and saw the wild cat smiling at him.


"Ah... I see, you must think that the night here is beautiful, so you are secretly looking here alone, right? Let me guess, in fact, you have some secret that you want to tell the moon... yes no?"

The wild cat stood beside the mandala and asked with a smile.

"Princess, I..."

Looking at the smiling face of the wild cat, Mandala didn't know what to say for a while.

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